The Club
Established in 1979 Stonehaven and District Radio Car Club (SDRCC) was originally founded to promote 1/8 scale nitro on road racing. Over the years our club has evolved and we now race 1/10 electric on road and M chassis classes on our dedicated race track and 1/10 electric off road classes on our permanent off road facility.
Our club is made up of members of all age groups and abilities and is expanding year upon year.
Whether you simply want to run your vehicles on a track with others or aim to compete at the highest level of this sport, radio control car racing is a fantastic hobby to get involved in.
SDRCC is located in Mineralwell Park, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire underneath the railway viaduct.
If you're thinking of coming along we recommend attending a round of our club championship where you will get to see all of the different classes that we race and experience the friendly, laid back atmosphere.
Chairman Mark Knowles
Secretary Chris Briggs
Treasurer Jeremy Stephens
Race Control Officer Chris Briggs
Maintenance/Facilities Officer Matthew Archer
Webmaster Martin Inglis
SORS Rep. David Scott
BRCA Rep/Events Rep Keith Eagles​
Safety Rep Steve Rennie
Chief Scrutineers Johnathon Hill & Jamie Dow
(Committee role descriptions link)
2024 AGM Minutes:
Club Constitution (Revised Nov. 2021):